Category Archives: Execution

Invest In Yourself

It’s all about you

Today’s message is short and sweet. Short because this will be brief. Sweet because it’s all about YOU–it has nothing to do with being an executive assistant.

I’ve never met an executive assistant who didn’t have a goal, a dream, or a creative passion outside of the office, but she/he often felt too drained, overwhelmed, or unable to find the time to pursue this personal goal whether it was going to school, writing a book (mine), making a quilt, starting a non-profit, glass blowing…so many great intentions, ideas, and projects! So little time to execute!

So today, I want to share this post by Dan Blank, We Grow Media: Invest in Whitespace.

I’m a Dan Fan and credit him for most of the momentum in my creative life. The above newsletter will inspire you to invest in yourself, and his suggestions are all free. Literally, his recommendations can be followed by you at zero expense. I highly recommend subscribing to his Friday newsletter, and jumping at any chance to take his courses or participate in his Mastermind sessions.

But wait, there’s more for you.

Kelsey Browning, author extraordinaire, has a free beta-course to help you start and finish your Big Creative Project in January. The project can be anything–it’s your project–and all you need to do is click on the above and complete an application.

I hope this update pumps you up about your personal life. Let me know if you follow any of the recommendations or sign up for any sessions with Dan Blank and, or Kelsey Browning. I’ll most likely be there with you! And by all means, feel free to share this update with anyone you think might be interested.

Good luck investing in yourself and have a fabulous time wrapping up 2016.


P.S.: If you’re interested in learning more about my creative life, here’s my personal website.

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Filed under Calendar Management, Execution, Executive Assistant Competencies

What Great Executive Assistants Have In Common

Proactive vs. Reactive

Every excellent executive assistant I’ve ever worked with has a similar trait: she finds a solution to a problem. Not a Band-aid to the problem, but a proactive solution to avoid the problem occuring again.

This trait is often demonstrated in the way she approaches issues in her personal life, too, which brings me to the following.

With the recent tragic murders our nation has suffered on both sides of the law, I want to proactively participate in looking for a solution and being a person of change in a productive manner.

From now until September 1, 2016, I am donating 100% of my profit on Goal Settings for Assistants to a proactive organization, The Badge of Life. You can read more about the proactive efforts of The Badge for Life and WHY I chose them in this newsletter on my personal website.

If you’d like to participate, please Click Here to order a paperback or e-book of Goal Setting for Assistants which includes an example of an EA’s annual performance goals from beginning to end.

Please feel free to share, share, share this newsletter. I look forward to updating you in September with the amount of money donated. Thank you so much for participating.

Until next time, stay proactive.


P.S. Do you have a topic you’d like me to cover? Please contact me, I would enjoy helping.

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Evolving EA

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Filed under Execution, Executive Assistant Competencies, Goal Setting for Assistants, Initiative, Problem Solving, Uncategorized

Why “The Evolving EA”

Evolving EA Thumbnail

As an assistant for the past twenty years I have experienced a wide range of expectations with regards to the role and performance in the role.  While some of this was simply management “style,”  it is also clear that the role has been evolving.  The changes are sometimes reflected in the different titles; Secretary, Assistant, Administrative Assistant, Administrative Assistant I/II/III, Senior Administrative Assistant, Executive Assistant, Senior Executive Assistant, Executive Assistant to the CEO, Executive Coordinator, Business Administrator, and so on and so on. However, I have found that a comprehensive assessment of the role and its evolving place in the workplace has been lacking.

At any given time, an Executive Assistant can be someone who has been an assistant for forty plus years, or a recent college graduate with less than a year of experience. The following reasons might skew both the manager’s and functional team’s expectations of an assistant’s capabilities and therefore, create inconsistencies in responsibilities and even stereotypes:

  • managers who do not know how to leverage an assistant
  • co-workers lack of understanding of your supervisor’s expectations
  • the disparity of performance of assistants within an organization
  • varying expectations depending on geographical location
  • different skill set needs, or requirements across different industries
  • the performance of his/her previous assistant
  • unspecified competencies, skills, or responsibilities

Whether I’m screening a phone call, meeting a guest, or coordinating a meeting, in all interactions I am dealing with the person’s (manager, guest, consultant, co-worker, peer) single perception of what and who an assistant can be, and how an assistant can contribute to and impact department and corporate goals – one person  might think I am only capable of, and responsible for, answering phones, setting up meetings and greeting guests. Another person might understand that I am a user of all processes, touch all departments, understand the company from the ground up, and in fact, might know more about the inner workings of the company than most employees. And when roles are being eliminated and unanticipated gaps in process created, the responsibilities and slack are being picked up by assistants. Assistants are wearing more and more hats. The role is constantly evolving.


Our Mission

Evolving EA Mission


The Evolving EA™ website is about the assistant and for the assistant. Our goal is to provide a resource for assistants to become more proficient in the role and/or move above and beyond the role if so desired by focusing our time and energy on our core Executive Assistant Competencies: initiative, judgment, leadership, change management, communication, execution, problem solving, integrity, conflict management, accountability, and resourcefulness.

We want to educate and train other people about the role and encourage companies to leverage and recognize the competencies and skill sets of assistants, and their contribution to corporate goals rather than perpetuating stereotypes. Click here to print our mission statement.

One of the best ways to create clarity about your role with your manager and the company is to create clear annual performance objectives and the companies most of you work for are probably coordinating their goals for 2016 right now. Our next feature stories will be,

  • Creating Relevant, Meaningful & Measurable Performance Goals
  • Collecting Data for your 2015 Performance Review

To receive the above newsletters when they are posted, subscribe.

Good luck and let me know what you think.

Teri & Team


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Filed under Accountability, Change Management, Communication, Conflict Management, Execution, Executive Assistant Competencies, Goal Setting for Assistants, Initiative, Integrity, Judgment, Leadership, Problem Solving, Recruiting, Resourcefulness, SMART Goals, Uncategorized