Tag Archives: proactive

What Great Executive Assistants Have In Common

Proactive vs. Reactive

Every excellent executive assistant I’ve ever worked with has a similar trait: she finds a solution to a problem. Not a Band-aid to the problem, but a proactive solution to avoid the problem occuring again.

This trait is often demonstrated in the way she approaches issues in her personal life, too, which brings me to the following.

With the recent tragic murders our nation has suffered on both sides of the law, I want to proactively participate in looking for a solution and being a person of change in a productive manner.

From now until September 1, 2016, I am donating 100% of my profit on Goal Settings for Assistants to a proactive organization, The Badge of Life. You can read more about the proactive efforts of The Badge for Life and WHY I chose them in this newsletter on my personal website.

If you’d like to participate, please Click Here to order a paperback or e-book of Goal Setting for Assistants which includes an example of an EA’s annual performance goals from beginning to end.

Please feel free to share, share, share this newsletter. I look forward to updating you in September with the amount of money donated. Thank you so much for participating.

Until next time, stay proactive.


P.S. Do you have a topic you’d like me to cover? Please contact me, I would enjoy helping.

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Evolving EA

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Filed under Execution, Executive Assistant Competencies, Goal Setting for Assistants, Initiative, Problem Solving, Uncategorized