Tag Archives: Goals

How and When to Leverage Recognition


How do I toot my own horn with my manager and ask for a raise?


Let me know if you found this video helpful. And if you have any questions, please email me at teri@tericase.com or tericase@gmail.com and I will respond in a video*.

Have a great week.


*you will remain anonymous

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Filed under Executive Assistant Competencies, General, Goal Setting for Assistants, Judgment, Recognition, Uncategorized, Year-end Review

It’s Time to Assess, Reflect, and Move Forward

I Support You

I know each of you are facing two important processes that will not only financially impact your life, but will impact your job satisfaction and work-life balance:

  • Your year-end review
  • Your performance objectives for 2017

For your year-end review, now’s the time to pull out your 2016 objectives, recognition you’ve received, and any SMART changes you discussed at your mid-year review.

And you can use this guidance to set your SMART goals for 2017.

If you have any questions, want to toss around a few ideas, or need any help, please do not hesitate to contact me.

You’ve got this!


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Filed under Executive Assistant Competencies, Goal Setting for Assistants, Performance Objectives, SMART Goals, Uncategorized, Year-end Review

Are You on Track for Success? Stay SMART

You Own Your Goals – Stay SMART

We’re about to enter the seventh month of 2016 and this means that you have six months left to meet the performance objectives you agreed to six months ago—goals that will determine your contribution to the organization and possibly a bonus, merit increase, or promotion. Continue reading

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One Way To Increase Your Manager’s Productivity

Ready! Set!  8 – 12 – 4 — FLEX!

Have you ever noticed how many meetings are scheduled to prepare for other meetings?

How many times have you heard your manager or a co-worker say, “I have so much to do, but I’m going to be in meetings all day.”

Unnecessary meetings and a lack of time to focus on goals and responsibilities is one of the number one reasons milestones are missed. Short of declining the meetings and looking like you, or your manger, isn’t a team player, how does one address this problem?

With calendar management.

After years of experience supporting an executive, I began blocking his/her and my calendar as follows:

Monday – Thursday
8:00 a.m. – 9:00 a.m.: FOCUS
12:00 p.m. – 1:00 p.m.: FOCUS
4:00 p.m. – 6:00 p.m.: FOCUS

8:00 a.m. – 9:00 a.m.: FOCUS
1:00 p.m. – 6:00 p.m.: FLEX

FOCUS times are exclusively reserved for your manager to do his/her job and get stuff done, and therefore, make progress on milestones and goals. This is not time for meetings. It’s time designated for focusing and preparing for everything on his/her plate.

With technology and ‘open door’ calendars where we can and should be able to send invitations for meetings, some people, including other assistants, might be frustrated at these unavailable blocks of time. Your boss might even look at you like you’re crazy when you suggest the blocks. “How will it make me look? Like I’m not working!” he or she will object.

But here is why they are wrong and why it works.

  • It sends a clear message when your manager is available.
  • It sends the message that the departmental goals, and therefore, the corporate goals are the prize, and work needs to get done in order to reach the established milestones.
  • It sends the message to your manager’s direct reports that they, too, should mirror and establish times to focus.
  • It sends the cultural message that your manager wants his team to FLEX and get as much work done as possible every Friday afternoon so they can enjoy their weekends and come back refreshed the following Monday and accomplish even more.
  • It says, “You’re smart, you use your time wisely, and you are focused on the corporate goals.”
  • It says, “This is how goals happen.”

So talk to your manager, and make this suggestion. Give it a trial period. This simple change in calendar will increase productivity and team satisfaction.

Let me know how it goes, or if you need any help at admin@evolvingea.com.

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Filed under Accountability, Calendar Management, Communication, Executive Assistant Competencies, Leadership, Problem Solving, SMART Goals, Uncategorized

SMART Goals (Performance Objectives) For Assistants

Why Assistants Should Want Them

Performance objectives are important for three reasons. One, they establish clear performance expectations between the assistant and supervising manager. Secondly, they are used to determine year-end bonuses and merit increases. Thirdly, and perhaps most importantly, performance objectives allow each assistant to identify areas for training, or exposure opportunities in areas he/she is interested in. Bottom line, establishing performance objectives helps YOU establish YOUR career path. Maybe the career path is to be the best executive assistant in the world, or maybe you want to move into a different department, or maybe you want to move into meeting planning–whatever your ideal career path is, performance goals can be a roadmap that you build upon year after year to help you reach your longterm career goals. And they can document you making a difference and adding value.

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